October 22, 2024

Operation Resist Tyranny

A Dedicated Group of Patriots Working to Protect Freedom & Liberty

Operation Resist Tyranny is a non-profit, unincorporated association of American patriots actively working to fight tyranny and protect the freedom and liberty of all citizens.

Our CharterGet Involved

Operation Resist Tyranny: Our Mission

Operation Resist Tyranny is a non-profit, unincorporated association of American patriots actively working to restore unalienable Rights; protect, advance, and preserve the foundational principles of Freedom and Liberty upon which the Republic rests; to compel the government at all levels and branches to make good on the constitutional guarantees that our forefathers fought, bled, and died in order to secure for themselves and Posterity. In order to achieve that goal, OPERATION RESIST TYRANNY submits to all American patriots The Charter and Proclamation of the Rights of Man as a demand that the government restore our unalienable Rights.

The Charter and Proclamation of the Rights of Man is not a petition nor does it establish a new form of government. Rather it is the equivalent of the Magna Carta or the Declaration of Independence. It is the Right of a free people to alter or abolish any government when it becomes incompatible to the principles of Freedom and Liberty. The charter lays out the grievances American patriots have with the current illegal, de facto, unconstitutional government now operating out of Washington D.C. and demands that they fulfill their duties lest we, the people, separate ourselves from the tyranny and oppression being foisted upon a free people.

In order to achieve the goals articulated in The Charter and Proclamation of the Rights of Man the supporters of Operation Resist Tyranny are committed to exhausting all of their nonviolent legal and political avenues of redress. At the same time the supporters of the charter will not forfeit nor relinquish any unalienable Right nor make any compromise to give up those Rights that are above the reach of government. The charter is a demand with an ultimatum. Either the government live up to the terms of the social contract called the Constitution of the United States as it was originally written and intended or the Citizens thereof will exercise their Right to Separate from the current regime.

In order to achieve the desired results, the supporters of Operation Resist Tyranny will be active in the following ways:

  • All supporters will sign the The Charter and Proclamation of the Rights of Man and make a copy of same available to all of their elected official
  • We will be a research and educational resource for those who want to learn and / or articulate the positions taken in the charter
  • Operation Resist Tyranny will continue to actively fight by advocating for a reduction in the size, power, and scope of government. To that end we will fight to defund those agencies within the federal government that enforce unconstitutional laws, are redundant in nature, and those whose powers go beyond what the Constitution anticipated
  • Supporters will work together to establish a community within our own communities wherein we can live and network off the grid and support those of like mind
  • We will offer assistance to Political Action Committees, political candidates, organizations working toward change within the parameters allowed by the standards of Operation Resist Tyranny, and civilian militias working within constitutional parameters
  • We will be an educational and research resource as well as a primary organizer for those who want to separate from the current regime and live off the grid
  • Operation Resist Tyranny will be at the forefront for the establishment of think tank groups, support teams for other resistance efforts within our parameters, and maintaining think tank groups within our own independent efforts
  • We will work to help others become self sufficient, self reliant, and prepared for any breakdown in society, civil unrest, or attacks against the people regardless of the source of the potential attack